Research axis

The team's research program is structured around the following two complementary axes :

Axis 1 : Intimate Partner Violence and Complexity

How do the life paths of women, men and children in a situation where there is intimate partner violence intersect and what are their linchpins? What strategies do they use to get away from or put an end to intimate partner violence? What are the similarities and differences in the experiences of intimate partner violence by various populations (e.g. indigenous peoples, immigrants, LGBTQ2+)? What are the manifestations of violence after a break-up and what are their longer-term impacts for victims? What are the risk factors for family-related homicide?

  1. Temporality : Life paths
  2. Diversity of populations and intimate relationships
  3. Dangerousness: A Continuum of Violence and Family-Related Homicide

Axis 2 : Transformative Practices

How can we prevent and intervene more efficiently? Which approaches are innovative and likely to improve the social services and the legal services offered to the stakeholders affected by intimate partner violence, particularly the most vulnerable groups? How can we improve the consistency and the integration of the assistance provided by the different resources involved? The work in this area deals with these questions based on a wide range of methodological approaches, notably participatory action research, participatory research and creation and the assessment of programs or interventions.

  1. Critical analysis of intervention practices and policies
  2. Establishment and assessment of new intervention strategies