
Area of research 1. Violence in intimate and family relationships

COVID-19 : Fostering Child, Youth, and Family Resilience

CRSH 2021-2025

Co-chercheure: Katharine Larose-Hébert

Cumulative Vulnerability to Domestic Violence: The Experience of Disabled, Elderly, and Immigrant Women Who Belong to More Than One of These Groups (in French)

SSHRC 2019-2021

Investigators: Nathalie Sasseville, Danielle Maltais, Jacinthe Dion & Douglas Brownridge

Men’s Accounts About Their Experience as Perpetrators of Intrafamilial Homicide (in French)

SSHRC 2019-2021

Investigators: Myriam Dubé 

Putting Violence Behind: Analysis of Trajectories of Family and Intimate Partner Violence in Aboriginal Men and Women in Quebec

CRSH 2018-2023

Investigators : Renée Brassard & Mylène Jaccoud

Partners : Initsiaq Women Shelter, Conseil cri de la santé et des services sociaux de la Baie James, Conseil de la nation atikamekw & Maison communautaire Missinak

Understand and Express the Reproductive Coercion Experience in Women. An Innovative Action-Research Project (in French)

SSHRC 2019-2024

Investigator: Sylvie Lévesque

Violence in Intimate and Romantic Partner Relationships in LGBTQ2+ Groups: Document the Phenomenon in Order to Better Equip and Train Health and Social Service Professionals (in French)

Public Health Agency of Canada (2019-07 / 2024-03)

Investigators:  Valérie Roy, Mireille St-Pierre & Sylvie Thibault  

Partners :  RÉZO – Santé et mieux-être des hommes gais et bisexuels, cis et trans), Centre de solidarité lesbiennes (CSL), Conseil québécois LGBT

Collaborators:  Interligne, COCQ-SIDA, Réseau des lesbiennes du Québec (RLQ), MIELS Québec, MAINS Bas-St-Laurent, Coalition montréalaise des groupes jeunesse LGBT

Area of research 2. Structural violence and social justice

Promoting resilience in women who have experienced sexual assault: user-centered design and effectiveness of the RESILIENT online platform

CRSH 2022-2026

Chercheure: Geneviève Belleville, Ouellet, M-C.

Co-chercheure: Catherine Rossi, Bouchard, S., Guay, S., Jackson, P., Laurendeau, D., Mendrek, A., Morin, C.M., Witteman, H

Utilisateurs de connaissance : Massoungue, G., Tremblay, J.

Collaboratrice: Thalie Flores-Tremblay

Atlas and World Map of the Methods of Intervention in Situations of Interactional Conflict in Matters of Criminal, Penal, and Restorative Justice

CRSH/Université Laval/The Regroupement des organismes de justice alternative du Québec/Ministère de la justice du Québec 2018-2021

Investigators : Marie-Claire Belleau & Catherine Rossi

Methods of intervention in conflict situations for natural and legal persons in their relationship with the State

CRSH 2018-2023

Investigators : Marie-Claire Belleau & Martine Valois

Partner : Ministère de la Justice du Québec

Obstacles to and Levers for Access to Justice and to Fair and Egalitarian Organizational and Professional Environments: Identifying, Characterizing, and Understanding the Structural, Institutional, and Symbolic Violence Experienced by Women

Status of Women Canada 2019-2022

Investigators : Marie-Claire Belleau, Isabelle Auclair, Julie Desrosiers, Catherine Rossi & Christine Vézina

Seizing and Supporting the Processes of Socio-Community (Re)Integration for Young People in the Criminal Justice System (16-35 years) - Projet (Ré)so 16-35

CRSH/Laval University 2018-2025

Investigators : Natacha Brunelle, Isabelle Fortin-Dufour & Catherine Rossi

The General Alternative Measures Program for Adults in the Criminal Justice System: A Profile and Analysis of Its Implementation in Québec

CRSH 2019-2022 & Ministère de la Justice 2019-2023

Investigators: Catherine Rossi & Julie Desrosiers

Issues and Challenges in Accessing, Implementing and Recognition of Civil Protection Orders

Ministère de Justice 

Investigators : Sonia Gauthier & Mariana Raupp

Area of research 3. Service continuum: analysis, evaluation, and dialogue

Assessment of the ESPACE Prevention Program

SSHRC 2019-2020 et FRQSC 2019

Investigators: Célyne Lalande & Geneviève Lessard

Partner : Regroupement des organismes ESPACE du Québec

Collaborators : ESPACE, Chaudière-Appalaches

Assessment of The Programme d'accompagnement justice-santé mentale (PAJ-SM) in Quebec

Ministère de la Justice du Québec 2019-2022

Investigators : Katharine Larose-Hébert

Dimensoes psicossociais do Acolhimento de imigrantes e refugiades en Florianopolis

CNPq-Brazil 2019-2022

Investigator : Lucienne Martins-Borges

Partners : Centro regionais que atuam no acolhimento de imigrantes e refugiados como : o Centro de Referência e Atendimento ao Imigrante de Florianópolis (CRAI-SC), a Pastoral do Migrante de Florianópolis, o Grupo de Apoio aos Imigrantes e Refugiados em Florianópolis (GAIRF), a Cáritas Regional Santa Catarina, a Ação Social Arquidiocesana – ASA, o Centro Islâmico Florianópolis e a Associação de haitianos em Florianópolis – KayPaNou.

IPV Perpetrator groups : client engagement, and role of facilitators

Not funded

Investigators : John Hamel, Fred Buttell, Clare Cannon & Valérie Roy

Psychosocial and Educational Difficulties and the Different Living Environments of Ethnoculturally Diverse Children Who May or May Not Be Receiiels d'enfants issus de la diversité ethnoculturelle recevant, ou non, des services de protection de la jeunesse

CRSH 2019-2022

Investigators : Sarah Dufour, Chantal Lavergne & Isabelle Archambault

Partners : Direction régionale de santé publique, Direction des services d’accueil et d’éducation interculturelle du Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur, CIUSSS du Centre-sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal, CIUSSS de l’Ouest-de-l’Île-de-Montréal.

Collaborators : CIUSSS du centre-Sud-de-l’ïle-de-Montréal, CIUSSS du centre-Sud-de-l’ïle-de-Montréal, CIUSSS du centre-Sud-de-l’ïle-de-Montréal, Ministère de l’Éducation et de l’Enseignement supérieur

Video Clips for IPV Awareness in Children 6 to 9 Years Old (in French)

Secrétariat à la Condition Féminine 2019-2020

Investigators: Jean-Jacques Tremblay, Maude Bouchard,Sylvie Pouliot, Kathy Mathieu & Geneviève Lessard.

Partners : Table Carrefour Violence Conjugale Québec-Métro & Espace région de Québec and Centre intégré universitaire de la Capitale-Nationale