Michele Patricia Akiobe Songolo
Professeure adjointe à l'école de travail social et de criminologie de l'Université Laval
Professeure adjointe à l'école de travail social et de criminologie de l'Université Laval
Coordonnatrice à l'Institut de la statistique du Québec
Associate professor in the management department of Université Laval, holder of the Chaire Claire-Bonenfant, Femmes, Savoirs et Sociétés
Professor at the Faculty of Law at Université Laval
Professor at the School of Psychology at Université Laval
Professor in the Department of Legal Sciences at Université du Québec à Montréal
Professeure adjointe à l'école de travail sociale et de criminologie de l'Université Laval
Professor at the School of Design of Université Laval
Professeure en marketing au département des sciences économiques et administratives (UQAC)
Director of the School of Social Work and Criminology and Professor at the School of Social Work and Criminology at Université Laval
Professor at the School of Social Work and Criminology at Université Laval
Professor in the Department of Psychoeducation and Psychology at Université du Québec en Outaouais and Holder of the Chaire de recherche du Canada sur la violence faite aux enfants
Professor at the Faculty of Law of Université Laval
Professor at the School of Social Work at Université du Québec à Montréal
Professor at the School of Psychoeducation at Université de Montréal
Assistant Professor at the School of Social Work and Criminology at Université Laval
Vice-Dean of Research and member of the School of Psychology at Université Laval
Professor at the School of Social Work of University of Montréal
Professeure adjointe à l'école de travail social et de criminologie de l'Université Laval
Professor in the Department of social work at Université du Québec en Outaouais
Professeure assistante à la faculté des sciences de l'éducation de l'Université Laval
Professor in the Department of Social Work at Université du Québec en Outaouais
Researcher at the Institut universitaire Jeunes en difficulté, CIUSSS Centre-Sud-de-l'Ile-de-Montréa and associate professor at the School of Social Work of Université de Montréal
Director of RAIV, head of the Domestic Violence Team and professor at the School of Social Work and Criminology at Université Laval
Professeure adjointe à l'école de réadaptation de l'université de Montréal
Professor in the Department of Sexology at Université du Québec à Montréal
Professeur au département de psychoéducation et travail social à l'Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Professor at the School of Social Work and Criminology at Université Laval
Professeure adjointe à l'école de travail social et de criminologie de l'Université Laval
Professor at the School of Social Work of Université de Montréal
Professeur au département des arts, lettres et du langage de l'Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Scientific advisor in violence prevention at INSPQ
Assistant Professor at the School of Social Work and Criminology at Université Laval
Head of the Violence Justice Team of RAIV and Professor at the School of Social Work and Criminology of Université Laval
Professor at the School of Social Work and Criminology at Université Laval
Professor in the Social Work Teaching Unit at Université du Québec à Chicoutimi
Professor in the Department of Social Work at Université du Québec en Outaouais
Professeure, Département de psychosociologie et travail social, Université du Québec à Rimouski (Campus Lévis)
Professor at the School of Social Work and Criminology at Université Laval
Professor at the Faculty of Law of Université Laval
Coordinatrice - Association de lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes (ALVF)
Director of Accord-Mauricie
Specialist in clinical activities at Côté Cour
Detective lieutenant at the Quebec City Police Department
Police Department of the City of Montreal, neighborhood station 11
Legal advisor for women and men at Oxfam-Québec
Coordonnatrice au soutien organisationnel et au développement du Réseau des CAVAC
Coordonnatrice à la Table de concertation en violence conjugale et agressions à caractère sexuel de Laval
Liaison Officer at the Maison pour femmes immigrantes
Coordonnator of the Table de concertation en violence conjugale et agressions à caractère sexuel de Laval
Director of the Groupe d'aide aux personnes impulsives (GAPI), representative of À cœur d'hommes and co-director of Équipe de Violence conjugale
Communications Manager at Réseau France Victimes
Director of APAJ-Te Rama Ora
Professor in the Department of Studies on Teaching and Learning at Université Laval
Professor at the School of Social Work of the University of Moncton
Lecturer in private law and criminal sciences at Université de la Polynésie française
Emeritus Professor of Criminology at Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour
Emeritus Professor at the School of Nursing of the University of Western Ontario
Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at Université de Montréal
Professor in the Department of Legal Theory of the National Faculty of Law and in the Graduate Program in Law of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
Professor of Psychology at the University of the South and Director of the Life Paths Appalachian Research Center
Professor in the Faculty of Nursing at Université Laval
Professor at the School of Social Work at Université du Québec à Montréal
Professor in the anthropology department of Université Laval
Research professor at the Centre Interdisciplinaire de Recherche Appliquée au champ Pénitentiaire
Director of the Muriel McQueen Fergusson Research Center and Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of New Brunswick
Professor of Criminology at Simon Fraser University, Director of the FREDA Center and Co-Director of the Simon Fraser Institute for Studies in Criminal Justice Policy
Professor in the Law Department at the University of Victoria
Professor at the Faculty of Law of Université Laval
Professor in the Faculty of Nursing at University of Calgary
Researcher at INSPQ
Research Director at École nationale d'administration pénitentiaire de France
Communications Manager at Réseau France Victimes
Director of APAJ-Te Rama Ora
Associate Professor in the Faculty of Social Work at the University of Manitoba
Professor at the School of Social Work of Université de Sherbrooke
Professor in the physical education department of Université Laval
Lecturer for the Centre de recherches Sociologiques sur le Droit et les Institutions Pénales
Professor of sociology at the Federal University of Bahia (Brazil)
Associate professor at the design school of Université Laval
Professor in the anthropology department of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil)
Assistant professor at the design school of Université Laval
Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Psychology and Human Development at the University of Toronto
Associate Professor at the Faculty of Nursing of the University of New Brunswick
Associate Professor at the Western Provincial University of Parana (Brazil)
Professor of Criminology in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ottawa
Professor of Criminology in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Ottawa
Professor in the Faculty of Information and Media Sciences at the University of Western Ontario
Professor at the School of Criminology of Université de Montréal
Professor and head of RESOLVE at the University of Saskatchewan
Administrative Coordinator at RAIV
Executive Secretary at RAIV